Fee doubles at oval

MOTORISTS looking for a cheap parking spot at Perth Oval are out of luck, with Vincent council nearly doubling the fee from $9.40 to $16.50 a day.

Mayor John Carey says parkers have been getting a free kick and it’s time to bring the area into line with carparks nearby.

Across the border, Perth charges go up from $12 to $20 a day the closer you get to the CBD. If you park at Mr Wilson’s pleasure you can pay as much as $50 a day in the inner CBD.

“Even at $16.50 I think [Perth Oval] will still be getting parked out by city commuters,” Cr Ros Harley says.

Following two years of freezes the hourly rate at other places across the city are up 10 cents and the daily is up 50 cents.


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