Homecoming has gravity

PERFORMING back in Perth for the new Re//Perth festival is a big homecoming for Gravity and Other Myths performer Maya Tregonning, while also giving her the chance to reconnect with an old chum from her days in Feral Circus.

Tregonning is one of the cast of GOM’s The Mirror, which will help give new life to the previously empty Europeans Foods warehouse on Francis Street.

The Mirror explores the concept of entertainment through the language of contemporary circus and questions what the modern human finds entertaining.

The performance feature high-level dance and acrobatics with an innovative set that’s got an LED wall, cameras and selfie sticks, all set to the pop mash-ups of composer Ekrem Eli Phoenix.

• Maya Tregonning certainly grew up – and grew strong – in circus.

Tregonning said her circus journey began in Perth in the Noughties.

“At 11, I saw the CircusWA youth troupe perform a pirate show as part of the then Freo Buskers Fest. I was totally hooked,” she said.

“I started training at CircusWA the following year and haven’t stopped since. 

“Following my youth training I was accepted into Australia’s National Institute of Circus Arts. 

“As a professional circus artist I have performed in over 15 countries with 10 different Australian companies.

“It’s where I met my partner and best friends, and the amazing, unique community is what keeps me in the industry.”

One of the young circus performers she grew up with was Aidan Bayliss, who’s still based in WA and will be head rigger for The Mirror.

“We were in CircusWA’s youth troupe together from 2009-2012,” Tregonning said.

“In this Troupe we all developed the passion and skills for our current professions. 

“It’s so special to know that Aidan is the head rigger for the upcoming production that I’ll be performing in at the RE//Perth festival this July.

“I’m very proud to be bringing our show ‘The Mirror’ to Perth. 

“I was in the original creative team of this show so it’s close to my heart and a very fun show to perform. 

“In it we explore the concept of self-image as well as challenging what we find entertaining in this world full of screens, social media and seven second videos.

“Our show is dynamic, thoughtful and cheeky.”

The Mirror
Gravity and Other Myths
77 Francis St, Northbridge
July 4 – 27
Tix: Reperth.com

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