The show must go on

THEATRES across the nation are struggling to put on shows because of a shortage of technical crews; but Perth’s Blue Room Theatre is hoping to close the gap by fundraising $35,000 to train a new generation of technicians.

Blue Room’s annual Giving Campaign, this year celebrating the theatre’s 35th anniversary, is dedicated to supporting their 2024 Tech Training Program which which will address the critical skills shortage by creating a dedicated in-house training program to prepare students for immediate work through mentorship.

Blue Room program and engagement manager Joel Evans said mentorship was an informal way of learning by sharing lived experiences and reinforcing ideas.

“I wouldn’t have a career without mentors,” Mr Evans said.

Live Performance Australia head of public affairs Matt Francis said that the ‘Giving Campaign’ is such an important and worthwhile initiative, especially in WA, for building a career in the industry.

“A great percentage of shows cannot be seen or heard without technical staff, they are critically important,” Mr Francis said.

Mr Evans describes Blue Room as a community hub for local and emerging artists by connecting individuals together to create imaginative presentations.

“I feel [community], it’s in the bones of the place,” Mr Evans said.

All works presented at the theatre are created by independent artists and Blue Room allows them to “realise their dream”.

“With theatre, being passionate is the number one quality for someone to be successful,” Mr Evans said.

Australia isn’t the only place suffering a technician shortage, with theatres across the US and UK reporting difficulties as well.

Theatre was one of the industries most affected by the pandemic, with many technicians in its ‘gig economy’ made redundant and subsequently finding jobs in other areas.

The UK media and entertainment union Bectu surveyed its members and found that when theatres reopened, many technicians had already found work elsewhere, while others were tired of the poor pay and work/life balance prevalent in the industry.

To donate to Blue Room’s campaign, visit, call the office on 9227 7005 or email


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