Cottage appeal to younger vets

VETERANS of the war in Afghanistan and the Gulf War are being sought by the Friends of Anzac Cottage to be included in this year’s Remembrance Day commemorations. 

The cottage has strong links to Anzacs from Australia’s other major conflicts: The community built the cottage for wounded veteran John Cuthbert Porter. His daughter Marjorie Williams was born there and went on to serve in World War II.

Vietnam veterans restored the house and still meet there. Now FOAC is seeking younger veterans from the Vincent area to continue the story. 

FoAC chair Anne Chapple, granddaughter of Private Porter, says “we are seeking to include the younger veterans in all of our operations and believe that the community needs to hear from veterans of the more recent conflicts”.

She says the Friends group recognises “younger veterans from the more recent conflicts such as the Gulf War and Afghanistan have stories of their experience in very different environments to the familiar landscape in Australia. 

“We would like to give these young men and women the chance to work with us to continue to add to our knowledge of the war front and of the issues faced when they returned home,” Ms Chapple said.

Veterans from the Vincent catchment are invited to contact Ms Chapple on 0411 44 55 82 or


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