Fishy motive to abolition?

A MINOR stoush has surfaced at Perth city council over the proposed disbanding of the parking committee.

Committee chair Lyndon Rodgers says parking brings in more than half the PCC’s revenue and it requires a dedicated committee to oversee it.

But other councillors are keen to roll its duties into the powerful budgeting and finance committee.

“There is no logical reason to want to disband parking committee other than to get rid of me, especially when it contributes over 50 per cent of the income,” Cr Rodgers says.

Attendance by committee members Lily Chen and James Limnios has been lacklustre, Cr Rodgers says, with the pair showing up to 64 per cent and 57 per cent of meetings respectively.

Cr Limnios notes an old saying, “the fish rots from the head”.

“In some instances I have found that meetings could be run more efficiently.

“If Lyndon disagrees with you he cuts you off. His number plate says ‘My Opinion’—he has an opinion for everything.

“It’s so timely that it’s an election year. He’s grandstanding.”

The real reason for wanting to disband the committee is efficiency, he says.

Cr Chen agrees: “The parking issues are important issues for the city as parking generates the largest revenue for the city.

“Once the committee merges into finance and budget committee we will have more councillors involved.

“I do not have any personal issues with Cr Rodgers. My purpose is for efficiency and resources and time-saving rather than personal attacks.”

CEO Gary Stevenson will prepare a report and then councillors will vote.

At this stage staff think a merger is “inconsistent with standing orders local law”.

Cr Judy McEvoy also opposes its abolition, saying councillors had fought hard to get committees in 1998 as they allowed full discussion.


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